Kamis, 15 Maret 2012

Tugas Bahasa Inggris ( Articles )

About  Cats

     Currently, the cat is one of the most popular pet in the world ( S.Present tense ). Cat lineage officially recorded as a cat or a pure-breed (pure breed) ( S.Past tense ), such as Persian, Siamese, manx, sphinx. Cats are usually bred in captivity official animal ( S.Present tense ) .
Cats have been mingled with human life since at least 6000 years BC ( S.Past tense ), of a cat skeleton on the island Siprus.Orang Ancient Egypt in 3,500 BC have used cats to keep mice or other rodents from the barn to store the harvest ( S.Past tense ) .

     The earliest record of cat domestication business is about 4000 BC in Egypt, when the cat is used to keep the grocery store of rat attacks ( S.Past tense ). However, recently in a meal at Shillourokambos, Cyprus, 7500 years BC, cat skeleton was found buried with human beings (S.Past tense ) . Because rats are not native to Cyprus, this suggests that at least at that time, there have been attempts at domestication cat . Cat skeleton found in Cyprus is similar to the species of wild cats that were the ancestors of domestic cats today. A bronze mask used in a cemetery in the ancient Egyptian cat mummy .
In the 1800's found a grave, or rather "the site" contains 300.000 mummified cats in the state is still intact ( S.Past tense ), which marks the first cat was a very special animal. Ancient Egyptians considered cats as an incarnation of goddess Bast ( S.Past tense ), also known as Bastet or Thet. The penalty for killing a cat is dead, and if there is a dead cat sometimes mummified like humans .

     Persian cats have been there for hundreds of years. The origins of Persian cats, as the name suggests, it originated from Persia ( S.Past tense ) ,the Persian empire used to cover areas of Iran and Afghanistan ( S.Past tense ).  In the 18th century, many European sailors brought Persian cat into mainland Europe ( S.Past tense ), like the French, Italian, English and Other. Persian cats are very like European royalty, including the Vectoria, Queen of England. In Europe never held an exhibition of Persian Cats. Although today has been bred Persian cat with a variety of colors, but the Persian cat is still ranked highest, and has many fans. It is clear that the Persian cat has a very strong appeal .

     Pet cat or house cat is one of the world's greatest predator. These cats can kill or take several thousand species of big cats are usually less than 100. But because of its small size, the cat is not so dangerous to humans, the only danger that can arise is the possibility of rabies infection from cat bites and scratches from the cat's nails are very sore and painful .
Cats are considered as "the perfect carnivore" with teeth and digestive tract in particular.
In captivity, cats can not be adapted to a vegetarian diet because they can not synthesize all the amino acids they need simply by eating the plants , unlike dogs, are often fed a mixture of meat and vegetable products, and sometimes it can adapt to a vegetarian diet total .

     Despite its reputation as a reclusive animals, cats are usually able to form colonies in the wild but do not attack groups like lions ( S.Present tense ) . Each cat has its own territory (sexually active males having the largest area, is sterile males have the smallest area) and there is always the "neutral" where the cats can watch each other or meet in the absence of territorial conflicts or aggression. Outside these neutral areas, local authorities will pursue a common foreign cats, beginning with a staring, hissing, to growl, and when the cat's foreign remain, it will normally occur a short fight ( S.Present tense ).

     View of the behavior of the current cat, wild cat which is estimated pet cat ancestors evolved in a desert climate. Cats pleased with the warm atmosphere and often slept under the sunshine ( S.Present tense ) . Feces are usually dry and cats prefer to bury them in sandy places ( S.Present tense ) . Cats can be frozen, not moving for a long time, especially when you're stalking prey or get ready to "pounce". In North Africa still found a stray cat that may be closely related to the ancestors of the current pet cat .
Because it has a close kinship with the desert animals, cats resistance to heat and cold temperate climate is rather limited. Cats are not resistant to fog, rain, and snow, although there are several types such as Norwegian Forest Cat and Maine Coon is able to survive, and trying to maintain normal body temperature, at 39 ° C, in a wet state. Most cats do not like to soak in water, except the type of Turkish Van ( S.Present tense ).
Pregnancy or gestation period ranges from 63 days in cats. Kittens are born blind and deaf. The new open their eyes at the age of 8-10 days. Kittens will be weaned by its mother at the age of 6-7 weeks and reached sexual maturity at the age of 10-15 months. Cats can contain 4 fetuses as well as her uterus has a special shape with 4 different parts .

     Cats typically weigh between 2.5 to 7 pounds and rarely exceed 10 kg ( S.Present tense ). If fed too much, cats can reach 23 kg body weight. But this condition is very unhealthy for the cat and should be avoided. In captivity, cats can live for 15 to 20 years old, the oldest known cat was 36 years old. Pet cats are not allowed to leave the house and can be sterilized live longer ( reducing the risk of fights and accidents ). Wild cats that live in the modern urban environment is only live for 2 years or even less than that .

     Often choosing a cat food behavior. This is because they have a special smell organ in the roof of his mouth called the vomeronasal organ or Jacobson's organ. When the organ is stimulated by a certain type of food, the cat will reject food than the food .

Generally, all the cats ears erect , unlike in dogs , cats with folded ears very rarely found ( S.Present tense) . Types of Scottish Fold cats are one type with this rare genetic mutation. When angry or frightened, this type of cat ears be bent backwards while the cat growling or hissing sound. When I listen to a sound, cat ears will move toward the sound source; cat ears pointing forward, sideways, as if even looking back .

     Cats including net animals , They often take care of themselves by licking their hair ( S.Present tense ) . Their saliva is a powerful cleaning agent, but can trigger allergies in humans. Sometimes cats vomit hairball or coils of hair collected in their stomachs .
Cats save energy by sleeping more often than any other animal. Older cats sleep varies between 12-16 hours per day, with the average 13-14 hours. But not rare cat who slept for 20 hours in a day .

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